Saturday, June 27, 2020

Research Paper on Video Games

Research Paper on Video Games The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of the growing video games popularity on the teenagers. A lot of discussions are going on around these questions and there is a great variety of opinions on positive and negative effects of computer video games on the behaviour, education and life style of teenage population of the United States of America. In this study we would like, however, to look at the practical implication of the video games and their effect on the development of teenagers’ creativity and innovation. The reason for the selection of the sample population is the availability and scale of video games usage (teenagers are the main games’ â€Å"consumers†). Numerous researches were dedicated to the analysis of the behavioural patterns of children, who often play video games. It was identified that children that play video games at least three or four times a week are more likely to develop creativity. Another research has shown that video game lovers among teenagers have significant difficulties in communication with people of their age in real life situations. The same teenagers, however, have wider perception of the world and are usually more emotional in response to the external factors. For the purpose of this research successful completion, we have included practical experiment that would support or argue against our hypothesis and to answer the primary research question: â€Å"Innovation and video games: is there a direct interrelation between these two elements of our life?† As a result of the theoretical analysis and literature review, the research group have

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